Tips For Dealing With Anxiety

Anxiety is a topic I want to feature on my blog, as it is something I deal with every day. Anxiety is something I've always found difficult to define, as it comes in so many different levels of severity and in so many different situations. No one has the same experiences with anxiety, as we all encounter it through different things in our life, and it's kind of a scary and weird thing, if you think about it. I used to get to anxious to the point where I would throw up, and thankfully I've got out of that stage, but I still suffer with varying levels of anxiety every day. I am still trying to learn to control and reduce my anxiety, and slowly but surely I've been overcoming some of the things that have given me the most anxiety.

I thought this would be a useful post to do for my very first anxiety-related post, as I hope it will provide some useful tips for you guys in your every day life.

"Be gentle with yourself, you're doing the best you can."

Breathing Techniques

Practising breathing techniques has helped me a lot when I feel the start of a panic attack or the earlier stages of anxiety. I haven't had a panic attack years and this is probably the main thing that has helped me. Usually when you're in the middle of a panic attack, or just feeling anxious, your breathing is very rapid and not controlled, which is something you aren't even aware of at the time. But when you are able to control your breathing and slow it down, it makes a big difference to how you feel. There's a lot of different techniques out there that I've tried from google searches, so I'd recommend just trying a few and seeing which works best for you. 
One that I've found works well is the 7-11 technique, where you breathe in for 7 seconds and breathe out for 11, which helps to slow down your breathing. It's important also to push your diaphragm out when you breathe in, and then pull it in more when breathing out, as it is important that the breaths are very deep to get the maximum benefit. 


This is another method that has helped me a lot. I find my meditation videos on Youtube, just by a simple search. There are lot of different ones for different situations and differing levels of anxiety, such as ones that can help you right when you're in the middle of a panic attack, and ones which generally calm you down during the day. I especially love to listen to these the day/night before I have something coming up which is anxiety-provoking for me, such as an exam or travelling. If I listen to these before I've stirred up a lot of anxiety, it helps me to stay calm on the day of the event, as I haven't let any anxiety in the day before. I also find it helps to pop my earphones in and listen to these when I'm feeling anxious in a public situation, for example when sitting in the terminal at an airport. 


There's a fair few apps out there for anxiety, so I'd suggest having a look and seeing what you think looks best. I've only ever used one app, and its called Calm. I mostly like it for the different videos they have of beaches and rain and so on, as the sounds and the imagery really help me to calm down. I use these mostly when out in public and I need something to quickly calm me down. Another aspect I like about the app is the breathing tool which helps you to sync your breathing with a moving image that displays how long to breathe in, hold, and breathe out for.  They have a lot of relaxing music you can listen to, as well as relaxing bedtime stories, kind of like an audiobook!
They also do some guided meditations which sound amazing but most of them you need a subscription for, meaning you have to pay, and your girl is a student so is living the no-money life!

Dealing with Travel Anxiety

I used to get travel sickness a lot when I was younger, which I presume is where my anxiety came from, as I used to dread having to travel and end up being sick. Luckily my travel sickness has died down a lot but I do still get anxious when it comes to travelling. This mainly comes from flying, but I've managed to get better with it over a few years. One of the first things I had to do was ensure I never had any early morning flights, as I'm just not a morning person at all, so having to travel so early in the morning would make me feel very ill and anxious. 
Another thing which helps me is combatting travel sickness with tablets and travel bands (which you put on your wrists), as my anxiety is much more reduced knowing I won't end up feeling sick on the flight. 
Again, I like to meditate the day and night before the flight, as well as listening to recordings on my phone while at the airport. On the plane, I play music quite loud in my earphones for take-off, so that I don't have to listen to all the weird plane sounds and I can take my mind off everything. Having things to do like watching movies and reading books definitely helps during the flight as well.

I think that's basically it for my anxiety tips! They're mostly just random, little things that can help a lot in your every day life. Obviously anxiety is a mind-over-matter situation, and there are ways to train your brain into not having these thoughts, but I haven't quite got there yet! I hope you found this post useful in some way nonetheless. Comment below any good anxiety tips which have helped you!

Lots of love,
Andrea x 


  1. I do also have an anxiety problem. Meditation and breathing techniques really helps 👍

    1. They’re definitely some of the most helpful things! Thanks for reading xx

  2. This was a really helpful post, I also struggle with anxiety every now and then. I'd never heard of the app Calm before, I'll have to download it and give it a try x

    1. I’m so glad you found it helpful! I’d definitely recommend giving it a go! Thank you for reading xx

  3. Thanks for sharing because it's so important for people to share ways of dealing with it. I had no idea there were apps so thank you x

    1. I completely agree! Different things work for different people so it’s important that there’s a lot of different methods out there that anyone can try! You’re very welcome! Hope you find the app useful, thank you for reading xx

  4. Love this post! As someone who struggles from anxiety, I love seeing techniques from other people as I havent found everything that helps me at the moment. Thank you for sharing!x

    1. I’m glad you found it helpful! There’s so many different techniques to try out there so I hope you find some that work for you! Thanks for reading xx

  5. Very good post, I've used some of these techniques as well. In my early stages of anxiety, I used to play a lot of games on my phone as a distraction to calm myself - not ideal I know, but I found it was a quick solution to get my mind off of things!

    Saffron x

    1. Thank you! Yes I definitely agree, anything that helps to distract me is good! Playing games is a good way to focus on something else! Thank you for reading. Xx

  6. Great tips in this post!!! I mediaitate daily and it's honestly my best defence against a panic attack. I love this!

    1. Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed. I really want to meditate every day as it definitely helps calm your mind! Xx

  7. The Calm app is so helpful if you need to unwind or relax. I find using it twice a day makes a great improvement to my overall calmness. Breathing techniques are another great thing to try especially if you experience panic attacks.

    Louisa | Loubee Lou Blogs

  8. Lately I've been dealing with a lot of panic attacks and anxiety thanks to my exams and all the stuff that has been going wrong with them. All these tips might really help me get through the last 3 months until graduation! Thanks for sharing.

    1. You're welcome! I hope you find them useful and good luck with your exams! Xx

  9. This is such a helpful post, I don't get travel anxiety luckily (probably because I've never had to travel anywhere major alone) but I do get anxiety from time to time due to other things, I'll be sure to check out those apps!- x

  10. I have anxiety, and I totally agree that breathing techniques help out a lot x

    1. It's such a simple thing but so important! Thank you for reading xx

  11. Some fabulous tips! I have anxiety and I found meditation helped me a lot, if it's late at night I'll use a meditation app but I also enjoy going for walks I find that can be really good for anxiety. Great post.

    Emma x

    1. Thank you! Yes definitely meditating at night is a great help! Xx

  12. This is a really helpful post. I like to use breathing techniques when I feel anxious or a panic attack starting, which is helpful, but I haven't tried any of the other tips like meditation and apps so I'll give them a go!


    1. Thanks for reading! Glad you found it helpful xx

  13. Great post and very helpful. I find slowing my breathing, using the Calm app and Yoga helps me a lot. :)

    1. Thank you for reading! Glad you found it helpful xx

  14. This is really helpful. I tend to get anxious rather easily, and listening to calm sounds always helps me.

    1. Glad you found it helpful! Thanks for reading xx

  15. I've been doing a lot of yoga in order to calm my anxiety. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed and I don't know why, and I can't control it. Most of the time, especially in the last two years, I've been improving more and more. Like you said, meditation helps a lot too. Great post xx

    Melina |

    1. Thanks for reading! Yoga sounds like a great way to relax! Xx

  16. These are some great tips. I suffer from anxiety as well so I will be checking out the Calm app.


    1. Hope you find the Calm app helpful! Thanks for reading xx

  17. I have never suffered from anxiety and deadlines never had any effect on me but a few of my friends have anxiety so this post will be very helpful! xx corinne

    1. Glad you find it helpful! Thanks for reading xx

  18. I'm very early in my journey with anxiety, I've had depression for over 20 years but have only just been diagnosed with anxiety. Thank you for the great tips. I would like to try meditation to clear my over thinking mind x

  19. This is a great post, full of helpful resources! Thanks a lot for sharing these tips! x


  20. These are great tips on dealing with anxiety! I’m happy you stepped forward to talk about how it’s actually something everyday people face. I totally agree with concentrated breathing and meditation. Great way to get your mind together! I totally feel you about travel anxiety. I Get them all the time from flights @__@.

  21. Even I had travel anxiety as a kid, but thank God I am over that now. sometimes I suffer from work anxiety. Your post is really helpful and wonderfully written. Great tips.

  22. I loved reading this entry, Andrea! I think knowing the right breathing techniques and when to apply them can help so much with coping with anxiety. I've suffered from anxiety for a while now and deep breathing really works magic. I want to get into meditation so badly!

    cabin twenty-four


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